Ladies, we invite and welcome you to attend the
Women’s Ministry at Red Dam Baptist Church, Women On Mission.
Our Vision: to emulate the early church described in Acts 2:42,
a church that taught God’s Word, enjoyed fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
As Titus 2 women, we desire to invest in the lives of women
younger than we are in age or maturity in Christ.
We meet the second Saturday of every month from September through May at 11:30 AM in the
Fellowship Hall at Red Dam Baptist Church for a
luncheon followed by fun and fellowship, sharing the Gospel, and prayer.
As the woman at the well told others after her encounter with the Lord Jesus,
“Come, see a Man who told me all the things that I have done.” John 4:29 NASU
We urge you to “come and see.”
Allow us to minister not only to your physical appetite but to your spirit as well.
Bring your friends who need to experience the love of Christ in action!
Bonnie Sanders,
WOM Ministry Administrator
Email us via the form below for any additional information you may need!
Women’s Ministry at Red Dam Baptist Church, Women On Mission.
Our Vision: to emulate the early church described in Acts 2:42,
a church that taught God’s Word, enjoyed fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
As Titus 2 women, we desire to invest in the lives of women
younger than we are in age or maturity in Christ.
We meet the second Saturday of every month from September through May at 11:30 AM in the
Fellowship Hall at Red Dam Baptist Church for a
luncheon followed by fun and fellowship, sharing the Gospel, and prayer.
As the woman at the well told others after her encounter with the Lord Jesus,
“Come, see a Man who told me all the things that I have done.” John 4:29 NASU
We urge you to “come and see.”
Allow us to minister not only to your physical appetite but to your spirit as well.
Bring your friends who need to experience the love of Christ in action!
Bonnie Sanders,
WOM Ministry Administrator
Email us via the form below for any additional information you may need!