We would love for you to become a part of our church family.
Being a part of a family means more than just watching from a distance; it's about actively participating and investing in each other.
We do this by spending time together, serving one another, and growing in our love for Jesus as we grow closer to each other.
If you're interested in taking the next step and becoming part of the Red Dam Family, we have some simple suggestions.
You could start by visiting us in person, joining a group, celebrating your decision to follow Christ through baptism,
attending a class to deepen your faith, volunteering on a team, or becoming a member.
Whatever you decide, we are here to support you and help you thrive.
Being a part of a family means more than just watching from a distance; it's about actively participating and investing in each other.
We do this by spending time together, serving one another, and growing in our love for Jesus as we grow closer to each other.
If you're interested in taking the next step and becoming part of the Red Dam Family, we have some simple suggestions.
You could start by visiting us in person, joining a group, celebrating your decision to follow Christ through baptism,
attending a class to deepen your faith, volunteering on a team, or becoming a member.
Whatever you decide, we are here to support you and help you thrive.